Tuesday 21 November 2017

When is the Right Time to Walk Away..?

Sometimes you really want to do something. But it is unrealistic. Instead of knocking yourself out, cultivate the art of knowing when to walk away and you’ll find it a lot less stressful. 

Sometimes you just have to walk away. We all hate to give up, hate to give in. We love the challenge of life and want to keep on until whatever we are trying to “win” has been overcome, vanquished, beaten and won. But sometimes it’s just not going to happen; we need to learn to recognize those moments, learn how to philosophically shrug and walk away with our pride intact and our dignity high. 

If relationship is coming to its end, instead of playing out long and complicated – and potentially hurtful – end games, learn the art of walking away. If it’s dead, leave it. This is just for you, to protect you, to nurture you. This is nothing to do with ‘them’ but all to do with you. If it’s dead, don’t go digging it up every five minutes to check if there’s a pulse. It’s dead, walk away.

You may want to get even – don’t get mad, walk away. This is much better than getting even because it shows that you have risen above whatever it is driving you crazy. And there can be no better way of getting even than to ignore something so completely it can be left behind.
Letting go and walking away means you are exercising control and good decision-making powers – you are making your choice rather than letting the situation control you. 

Walk away now and look back after ten years and I bet you’ll be hard pushed to even remember what it was all about. 

After you’ve done all you can, giving your all just to make it happen and it didn’t. Don’t push further, just walk away. Something better awaits you, if you can just move on.  

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