Sunday 24 September 2017

How to Overcome Difficult Subjects in School

Difficult subjects are inevitable in school. Every student has one or two.  It’s not something that should cause a feeling of shame; but not finding a solution to it will cause a more painful feeling and may lead to inferiority complex. 
Most times in school, you feel so inferior to a particular student in your class or in a particular class because of a subject you don’t understand.

There are several ways of overcoming these difficult subjects. Simple but very productive ways of getting the best out of your subjects in school.

To overcome means an act of winning something, overcoming is conquering in a though battle. Overcome also means succeeding in dealing with a problem, defeating your fear.

In life, the first step of solving a problem is to know you have a problem. You can never solve a problem until you realize it’s a problem to you and you work hard to finding a solution to your problem.

These are the simple but very productive steps on how you can make an “A” in your most difficult subject in school;

Step 1: Always attend classes

Missing classes is very unacceptable for a student who wants to make good results in various subjects. Try as much as you can not to miss class in school, everything else should wait till you’re done with your classes during school hours. Most times, some students feel they can always cover up for what they have missed in class; it’s not always possible. Oftentimes lecturers will just teach and make references to things you can only know when you’re present in class.

 Step 2: Study Continually (Majorly your most difficult subjects)
Draft a personal Time Table for Reading. Make studying your priority. Someone rightly said, “If you do what’s easy, your life will be very hard; but if you do what’s hard, your life will be so easy.” Therefore, your difficult subjects should be your main focus. Visit school libraries, get textbooks, make researches, don’t waste your time on the cheap subjects; deal with the difficult ones. Utilize every opportunity you have. After school hours, revisit what you’ve learned so far for the day. Doing that continually makes it sink inside your memory and it’ll be difficult to forget.

Step 3: Confide in your fellow student who find the subject easy
The punch line here is…. “Be Teachable.” Don’t suffer in silence. Always come out straight; it’s not a crime for you not to understand a particular subject. A subject you don’t understand today, if well explained to you, can become your best subject tomorrow. So just stand up to it. Meet your classmate that can help you on that particular course or subject, feel free to associate with those that are intelligent and have a lot to offer.

Step 4: Join a group of Readers or form your own group
Have a group of students you study and discuss relevant things with. Things that will help you grow academically. “One tree cannot make a forest.” In group studying, you can get ideas on how to become better in a particular subject. Group reading increases your ability to study continually and you can have some targets to meet; set by your fellow students. Group reading motivates a student, because of competitions between the students in the group. Competition on who’ll score higher in a particular subject or who finishes first in a class or in a subject.

Step 5: Always ask questions in Class and examine yourself daily
Don’t allow fear or inferiority complex stop you from asking relevant questions in class. Whenever you’re lost at some point during lectures, more especially on the subjects you find difficult; ask questions and make sure you note the replies and answers to your question for further studying.
Examine yourself; you can examine yourself by setting questions from those difficult areas of the subject and try producing solutions to the problems before you. You can also involve your group members.

Finally, Reading is a continuous act while understanding is a process. You can’t understand when you haven’t read. Increase your reading habit today, through prayers and the help of God; you’ll surely overcome your difficult subjects and other challenges in school and beyond.

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