Thursday 26 October 2017

Creating Your Unique Product

A product is a commodity offered for sale. This simply means that a product is anything movable, a good that is bought and sold. Product can also be something useful or valuable. Every business man has a product. You cannot venture into any business without first defining your product.

There are five important areas you must put into consideration while creating your Product.

The five key areas you must consider are:

1.      Your Passion
2.      Your Personality
3.      The Problem you’ll like to solve (Probably an existing problem)
4.      The People (Your Target Customers)
5.      The Product itself

Your Passion
Your Passion has to do with your greatest desire. Passion is a strong desire for something. Passions has to do with emotions, something that gives you great concern. You cannot create a product without first defining your passion. Passion is a force that drives you; it determines the extent you’ll go in whatever you intend to do. I cannot have great passion for football and then keep going to the studio to make an album. Passion is power, without Passion a man becomes weak. “Money is not the first motivation. Fulfillment is what drives a man.”  So what gives you great concern?

Your Personality
Personality is a set of qualities that makes a person (or thing) distinct from another. Personality is all about you; your abilities, skills, talents and everything that defines who you are.  To create your unique product, you have to find out what you are good at, the things you can do effortlessly (talents). What skill do you have, something that can distinct you from the rest. When you have defined your Personality then your product can start being visible to you. Remember we said that product is a Valuable, something that can be exchanged for cash. You become unstoppable when you combine your passion and personality to create a product.

The Problem you’ll like to solve
Problem is a difficulty that has to be resolved or dealt with.  It is very important that you discover the problems that your personality can solve passionately. “Your passion and your personality are valueless if there’s no problem.”

The People (Your Target Customers) 
You must find people whose problems your personality (Skills, qualities, talents) can solve. Take a survey and find out from people what they really want or find out what their complaints are about the previous products they are using or the people who were working for them. It gives you more insight on what you are required to produce.

Product – What is Your Product?
Defining your passion and personality will give you an insight on what your product should look like. Finding out the problem of your target customers will also help in producing something unique to meet their demands.

I believe this article will guide you while choosing your unique product. Don’t forget to leave your comments below.

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