Thursday 26 October 2017

Effective Way of Improving Your Life (7 Proven Rules that can Transform you into a Better Person)

Trying to change your life is very challenging. Trying to change a negative habit is hard. But I’ve come to realize that in life, there are certain Rules you can’t ignore if you really need a change or an improvement. Improvement is a process.

 In order to stay healthy, getting more out of Life; you need to be content and mostly happy on a day-to-day basis. Those who are still struggling tend not to be so happy on the whole, and the enjoyment of life just isn’t what it should be for them.
So I’ll like to give you some key Rules to follow on the process of improving your life. Working on yourself through these steps will definitely improve you and you’ll find yourself getting more out of life, living a happy life.

Rule 1: Accept Yourself
To move on in life, you have to accept that what’s done is done, you are left with just yourself the way you are. You can’t go back and change anything, so you’ve got to work with what you have. That simply means accepting all the weaknesses, your bad habits, emotional bumps, your failures. This doesn’t mean you are happy with everything and you going to lead a bad life. It just about accepting yourself the way you are and then build on that.  We’re not going to beat ourselves up daily because of some habits, Yes we can change them, but it’s always a process. Everyone will fall short one day. Don’t beat yourself up, stop picking faults with yourself, or simply giving yourself a hard time. Simply accept you’re doing your best at this point in time, just keep pressing on.

Rule 2: Dedicate Your Life to Something
To add meaning to your life, you need to dedicate your life to something. Something that adds fulfillment and value to your life. You can dedicate yourself to leaving a decent life, treating people with respect and dignity. In quest to improve your life there’s going to be a high level of commitment. You must be committed to something daily. Focus on yourself, where you are going, and the kind of person you will want to be. Decide what it is you are dedicating your life to. It’ll make the rest of the process easier.

 Rule 3: Change what you can and Let go of the Rest
Successful people are the ones who squeeze every last ounce of satisfaction and energy out of life. They achieve this by paying attention to what they have control over and they simply let go of the rest (economically and time-wise).
If someone asks you for help, then it’ll be easy to do it or not depending on your choice. If the whole world asks you for help, there’s definitely a little you can do.
If you waste time struggling to change stuff that is obviously never going to be changed, then life will swiftly pass and you’ll miss it.
Dedicate yourself personally to things you can change, areas where you can make a difference. Time is short; it makes no sense wasting any of it, not a single drop of it.

Rule 4: Aim to Be the Best in All You Do and Not Second Best
If you set out to do something, anything, and you are deliberately aiming for second best, how awful is that? The Rule is a simple one, Just aim to be the best in whatever you are doing, where ever you find yourself. If you’re a student, be the best in your class. If you’re an employee, do your job so well that you’ll be second to none. “Get to the point where it’s either your or you.” If you are a parent, be the very best parent possible.
All you have to do is consciously think about what you are doing and then aim to be the best at that. Set achievable goals for yourself, monitor your performance. “Failing is fine. Aiming for the second best isn’t.”  “The problem is not that people aim too high and MISS but that people aim too low and HIT.” Determine to be the very best. Yes you can.

Rule 5: Don’t Dwell in the Past
The past is gone no matter what the past is. There is nothing you can do to change what has gone, so you only need to turn your attention to here and now. Sometimes it’s hard to forget the events of the past but if you want to be successful in your life, you have to turn your attention to what is happening for you right now.
Don’t live in regrets because it’s very clear that you can’t go back and change it or undo what you have already done. It’s gone, you’re only damaging yourself. What you can do is to resolve not to make such bad decisions again. If the past was better for you and you can’t let go of the memories of the glory days. Learn to appreciate the memories but also move on and put efforts into finding a different kind of good time right now.

Rule 6: Don’t Live in the Future
Don’t let anyone ever tell you that dreaming is bad. Having those dreams is brilliant. Enjoy the wishing and the longing. But also you need to enjoy being alive and having the strength to do all that dreaming.
Leaving in the moment simply means taking a moment or two to appreciate the fact that you’re alive and aim to act like today really matters and live life to the full, right now. Don’t keep wishing you have the things you don’t have now, appreciate the little things you have and make good use of the qualities you’ve got to create a better tomorrow. Your happiness matters now, because what you have is now, the future is yet to come. “Dreams are great but reality is fine too.”

Rule 7: Learn to Ask Questions
Questions help clarify the situation. Questions put people on the spot, which means they have to think and thinking is a good thing for everybody. Questions help people to clarify their thoughts.
Asking questions gives you time to think, it’s better to ask a few questions and find out the truth. You’ll be better equipped to respond logically, calmly and correctly.
Ask questions of yourself constantly. Ask yourself why you’re doing certain things; want other things, why you are doing a particular job or why you chose that line of career. Question yourself rigorously because maybe there isn’t anyone else doing it. You need to know when to quit on some certain things.
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